Monday, August 14, 2006

Tie me Kangaroo down sport

Tie me Kangaroo down sport

Well here I am. A cricket loving Black Country Englishman in Australia.

Perth to be exact...well Mullaloo to be precise!! and here lies problem number one.

I am living in an English speaking Country with place names even locals can't agree how to pronounce.Example : Joondalup (The Cricket Club I will soon be joining) Peter, one half of the couple we are living with insists on affecting a mock french accent and pronoucing it Jerndaloop much to the amusement of his wife Greta who in turn insists it is pronounced Junedalup (she is in fact correct)

I however cannot stop saying Johndaloop. Apparently this mis-pronounciation means apart of the male anatomy in aboriginal...needless to say the large aboriginal fellow I asked to show me how to get to Joondalup was both confused and dare I say a little intrigued. Still his mate told me 'piss off' anyway.

Any how having prepared for the difficult names you are confronted with Beedoboondu Sandwiched by Warwick and Brighton. I kid you not.

The only consolation to my language difficulties has been the young woman at work (I am a nurse) stating she could listen to my black country accent forever as, and I kid you not, "you sound like that Hugh Grant...!!!"



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