For Queensland and Country
Cricket News
The Team...(This week guest Sponsor...Viagra...last harder....)
E Wild.. T Charlton ..DP Galbraith ..B .Bentley...*P Dunkley... SJ Gill... A Long... L Aguss ...JP Dunkley... .C Cooper .....+JH Larmett
Well , mighty Ocean Ridge completed their second round match.....We began by batting (Elliot 'Wildthing' and Tom 'Bobby' Charlton opened) and we scored 120...probably 40/50 shy of what we needed. Again, we were victims of poor shots brought about by inexperience. Two or three maidens is fine in a 72 over game if you are an opener, however players...(Young and Old) began to panic and we only settled in the middle with Longy and Gilly once again proving that an ugly 50 partnership is better than a beautiful attacking partnership of 10.....
We came back in week two, bowled poorly in spells and well in others..the boys really tried , but 120 was not defendable by this inexperienced team....Coops and Gilly bowled very well in a combined spell and brought the team within a sniff of a win. Coops, with 4 wickets didn't deserve to be rested, Dunks to be fair admitted this. We really need to bowl the best bowlers from now on and trust them especially when we have limited runs to play with. Interesting to note when the opposition had won and batted on, the two younger bowlers...Tom 'Bobby' Charlton, in particular bowled quite well.
CURRY NIGHT...followed the match and praise must be given to Johnny Larmett for producing a beautiful array of Curries.....A good night...and a stinging morning after....
CLUB GOSSIP....Whilst talking with Sharon Smith. The subject of Harves (Club President) was raised....Sharon asked...'why haven't you produced a picture of Harves'. I replied that I was struggling to find a suitable 'look a like' for him. Sharon voiced her opinion that, as a big fan of House..(The US programme, starring Hugh Laurie) she and Geoff...(QUOTE) 'ALWAYS SAY HOW ALIKE HOUSE AND HARVES ARE'.......she went on to say how sexy House is.....I made my excuses and left Sharon stirring a pot of rice looking momentarily dreamy.....You be the Judge...