Thank God The End Is Near
Englands final humiliating defeat has finally come and I can at least concentrate on 'Aussie' life and my own Cricket. ......Oh god who am I kidding. It's been hell. The Aussies really do love beating the Poms and I DESERVE EVERY BIT OF STICK....but hey couldn't the boys have shown some fight...As for Kevin Pietersen. At Perth he avoided giving autographs to the 20 or so kids who waited, by walking across the WACA and 'sneaking' out a side entrance...cheers KP and to think I bought my son the bat his hero uses...shame on you KP..these kids and their Dads cheered you all day and for what, defeat and humiliation at school (Being a Pommie kid at school has not been fun...Although my boy being a West Brom fan was well used to all the stick he...not
Well I am glad thats off my chest...I never thought we had a chance and I am glad I didn't claim we would win......
When we decided to leave Britain we were glad to be escaping the louts that seem to have taken over most of the country...Only to discover the delights of the Australian 'BOGAN'

A bogan (pronunciation boe-gn) is a term used primarily in Australia to describe a particular section of the working class population.
A bogan typically resides in either a low-cost housing estate, government housing or in the outlying regional areas of continental Australia. (sounds familiar eh) Generally bogans tend to congregate in areas with little or no features & amenities.
How to recognise a Bogan:
- A pronounced lack of dress sense in social situations. Typical bogan attire consists of a flannelette shirt, stubbie shorts (either blue/khaki), torn or soiled jeans from the 1980's or earlier, and of course standard issue white thong sandals with black rubber.
- A lack of personal hygiene. A bogan will often allow his/her hair to grow into an attractive style named the "mullet" as popularised in the 1980's. A hair cut is a rare event for the bogan, and most styling occurs when the razor is brought out to either a) produce a "skinhead" style cut or b) a "frullet" (front-mullet). Similar styles apply for females, however the female bogan frequently colours her hair auburn.
- The bogan bathroom usually contains a bar of multi-purpose soap used to both cleaning the family, washing the hair, styling the hair and manicures/pedicures. Whilst most non-bogans will use Eau de Toilette spray as a perfume, the most common boganistic fragrance is "Odour of Toilet". The bogan frequently rosters showers at irregular intervals such as once a week for males and twice for females.
- Distinct vocabulary. The bogan language is somewhat foreign to most English-speaking people. For example in boaglish, the word "shooting" would be pronounced as "shootun". Similarly, the word "look out" is pronounced as "look eet". The boaglish alphabet does not contain the letters "i" or "g".
- A particular choice in motor vehicle. The bogan usually drives one of two makes of vehicle. Typically this is either a Holden or a Ford .
- Employment status. The common bogan is either a) not employed or b) a tradesman/labourer.
- A poorly-maintained house described as follows;
The bedroom (for rootun).
The balcony (for smokun/shootun).
The livun room (for watchun telly/smokun/gettun pissed).
The kitchen (for storun beer).
The combined bathroom/laundry (for washun shit) .
The shed (for rootun/smokun/shootun/gettun pissed/storun beer/workun on the commo).
Any how Love Stew
5-0!!!!!! How embarrassing to be a pom living in Australia right now
Hey crapper, bet you wish your great great grandad stole a loaf of bread now????
Five Zip - Unlucky, as the new Captain has said - i think you are mentally unfit for your duties as a national team.
Waiting for your next installment.
bring on the one dayers
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