Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sweet Balls no More

Well, my first Match has ended in defeat.

We were trying to defend 223 over 72 overs and failed. Skipper 'Smithy' bowled well as did 'Carts'. Me, well.... 8 overs 2 maidens for 28. Not great, but not too bad. I will learn the subtleties of the artificial pitch and 2 piece ball soon enough.

Anyhow, during the Match 'sweetballs' informed me his 'Nickname' is actually 'Sweetpea'. Now, I have called him 'Sweetballs' for the last 7 weeks and no one said anything.
I may carry on calling him 'Sweetballs' for a while yet...

Contrary to the myth the Aussies play very fair and do not 'sledge' anywhere near as much as I am used to in England. I will, I am sure teach them the fine art of annoying the opposition, I am allready doing well in the annoying my team mates stakes...!!!

It is hard trying to prove myself at my age after regularly taking wickets and scoring runs in England. This game seems very different.

Any how I hear the 'do good' brigade over here are calling for an end to the term 'Pommie' as they (not us Poms) consider it racist.......

Prisoners of Mother England or whatever urban invention you prefer for Pommies, I love being called a Pommie Bastard, I also love that fabulous Aussie joke (How do you know there are Pommies on the plane? Because when they turn the engines off the whining continues). And I will love calling them all convicts by return and reminding them of the 'ASHES' . Then, when we have flung all our verbal crap at one another, we'll retire to the bar together and under a deluge of Victoria Bitter we will, together, plot a way of gagging the 'do good' brigade who want to stop us enjoying sporting rivalry at its finest.

There is no racism, or hatred in Aussie/Englander taunting - but we do hate 'do gooders' with no proper jobs telling us we should be offended. ..W*****s the lot of them.



At 12:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you thought I was called Sweetballs. The aboriginal at Mirrabooka was correct!!!



At 1:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take no notice SweetPea.

He called me Susan for years.


PS No wickets Gilly? Nothing changes.

At 4:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bad move saying "i hope they dont call me Crappers" Guess what your new nickname might be?

At 6:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad your first match is over. You may remember that a while back, you predicted what your performance would be in your first Aussie match.

Go to my blog http://pottslog.blogspot.com/ and see the comment you left at the end of the article entitled 'The Reality'

At 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when was it that you used to score runs and get wickets was it when you were at school

At 1:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No it wasn't Goughy - I can vouch for that - P Hayward

At 5:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He did once get runs after a curry.

At 12:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stew i know i took a shower but at least you could have spelt my name right. ALAN


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