Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sweet Balls no More

Well, my first Match has ended in defeat.

We were trying to defend 223 over 72 overs and failed. Skipper 'Smithy' bowled well as did 'Carts'. Me, well.... 8 overs 2 maidens for 28. Not great, but not too bad. I will learn the subtleties of the artificial pitch and 2 piece ball soon enough.

Anyhow, during the Match 'sweetballs' informed me his 'Nickname' is actually 'Sweetpea'. Now, I have called him 'Sweetballs' for the last 7 weeks and no one said anything.
I may carry on calling him 'Sweetballs' for a while yet...

Contrary to the myth the Aussies play very fair and do not 'sledge' anywhere near as much as I am used to in England. I will, I am sure teach them the fine art of annoying the opposition, I am allready doing well in the annoying my team mates stakes...!!!

It is hard trying to prove myself at my age after regularly taking wickets and scoring runs in England. This game seems very different.

Any how I hear the 'do good' brigade over here are calling for an end to the term 'Pommie' as they (not us Poms) consider it racist.......

Prisoners of Mother England or whatever urban invention you prefer for Pommies, I love being called a Pommie Bastard, I also love that fabulous Aussie joke (How do you know there are Pommies on the plane? Because when they turn the engines off the whining continues). And I will love calling them all convicts by return and reminding them of the 'ASHES' . Then, when we have flung all our verbal crap at one another, we'll retire to the bar together and under a deluge of Victoria Bitter we will, together, plot a way of gagging the 'do good' brigade who want to stop us enjoying sporting rivalry at its finest.

There is no racism, or hatred in Aussie/Englander taunting - but we do hate 'do gooders' with no proper jobs telling us we should be offended. ..W*****s the lot of them.


Monday, October 09, 2006

First Match Blues

And so the season starts...

Matches over here take place over two weekends.
You bat or field one and the other next weekend.
The matches are 72 overs each innings.

So to my first match.
I was hoping to open the innings however disaster struck in the warm up.....Whilst diving for a ball..well falling in the general direction of the ball I landed on my wrist which promptly ballooned up are bandage later and I can hardly hold a bat...'I'll drop down the order skip"

Now this decision was probably wise as the Whitfords opening bowler was at least 6' 6" and overheard to have said "I wanted to bowl at the pommie b*****d"

Our two new openers, 'monkey' and 'sweetballs' did a great job putting on 90 we finished with 240 and I didn't have to bat...great start eh...

Still I expect to bowl next week. The skipper 'Smithy' tells me I will bowl.

The match was played seriously with a warm up team talk..all done properly and a debrief.

At the end of the match fines are handed out for crap shots $1 drops $1 etc and having a hairy arse in one case (sweetballs) $5. Me $5 fine for being a pommie and wearing Union Jack shorts....... Gill is not for turning

Still beer was cold and the company good.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Gilly Unleashed

The Season is upon us.....

I am an Ocean Ridge Player...

The first Match is this Saturday October 7th against our arch rivals Whitfords.

A full match report will follow...

I have now acquired a 'nickname', the ever reliable 'Gilly' ...or on occasion of my wearing my Union Jack shorts...'you pommie ba****d..we will have those off the first time your pissed'

Any how I am starting in the 3rd team (they have 5) so I am happy with that if you do well you do get chances in the 1st and 2nd's ...same applies if you are poor..

The lads are great and I have been welcomed.

The games are taken very seriously and the tone, I am told, is very combative...right up my cricketing street...how long before I piss someone off ...1 match...one over...one ball...???

Wish me luck as I represent England in the colonies...

Ashes fever is also building up. I insist on reminding my team mates that we 'hold' the ashes they predict a 5-0 destruction come the series. They then proceed to bombard me in the nets with cries of 'hit that pommie'...

Aussie life has taken a turn for the better we now have our own home....Pool... jacuzzi... theatre room with huge projector screen...games room.... but eh we still miss home... weird eh.

Australia would be heaven with family and friends here.

Boys are happy. James is looking fit and looking forward to his Cricket season starting.
Stephen charms everyone and 'got married' at kindergarten...however he forgot to invite mum and dad...kids eh.

Jackie and I are getting on better than ever enjoying our work and colleagues. Although the health services are in need of a overhaul.

Any how get ready for more regular blogs.
